Thursday, October 7, 2010

Great Black and White Photographers part 3

While i was passing through the photos. I came up and saw Dorothea Lange's photos,
what i saw was the sadness in her photos you can see the despair of her photos

In this photo, I feel the tears that run down by my shoulders. I hear only the cries of the children. I smell the gas and oil flowing below the truck. I taste saliva waiting to leave.I see the other immigrants leaving with us.

In this photo, I see myself waiting for the truck to take me away. I feel agonized that I'm being evacuated . I could smell the dirt on the ground, the winds picks it up and throws it at my face. I taste the dirt . I hear other people waiting on the streets waiting to be evacuated, same as me.

my ideas on sharing  Dorethea to the world is by making a mural of her work on a build board downtown.
making posters around downtown and putting a photo from hers and a website telli9ng about her story and her photos. I would make a website dedicated to her.

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