Friday, December 3, 2010

Abandoned Theme Parks

1 I would like to visit the six flags in new olrens, because i could see that a lot of people would of be there if it wasn't closed and that i cold take many angles of people and their families around being happy. What make me want to go there is how the park looks around at sunset how i would see people being tired but still having fun.

3. abandoned Skate parks
abandoned warehouses
abandoned waterparks
ghost towns

5. I would document ghost towns because it looks lonely, everything being rusted and seeing no life in a place where used to be where everyone lived.I would expect to take landscape photos, and some rule of thirds in there.

6. I would take tripods, bottles of water, a camera. I would see if there is a ghost town near me either take the bus there or plane towards there. I would hope that since its a ghost town nobody would have any laws so i won't brake any.

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