• Lighttight film-processing tank that accepts the size offilm you plan to process
• Several quart jars or bottles (glass, stainless steel, or
plastic) for processing solutions
• Stirring paddle to mix solutions
• Soft viscose sponge
• Darkroom timer or a clock with a sweep-second hand
• Scissors
• Protective gloves to prevent skin contact with chemicals
• Spring-type clothespins for hanging processed film to
To make prints, you’ll need this equipment:
• Printing frame or enlarger
• 8 x 10-inch piece of heavy cardboard
• Four photographic processing trays a little larger than
the largest prints you plan to make (or shallow pans or
dishes made of glass, plastic, china, or stainless steel)
• Print squeegee or soft viscose sponge2.) Chemicals:
Stop Bath
Hypo Clearing Agent
3.)Put the sheet on the enlarger with the shiny side up, set the enlarger for 10sec. Place the paper in the developer tray for 1 minute, then take it our and then put it in the stop bath tray, and then put it in the fixer,place in wash for 2 to 5 minutes when using resin coated paper, take out wash and place on drying cabinet.et
the negative strip out of sleeve and place inside the frame in the center of the negative carrier. close the enlarger head, focus on the easel, place the cardboard over the test strip, leaving a small exposed. after each exposure move the cardboard to real more. develop the test strip, then fixer if its safe take it to the light.take it to a lighted room and decide which exposed segment looks best. switch on the enlarger light, and place maski9ng easel, then place used piece of photographic print paper white side up on the easel.set the apreture and timer using the test strip as a guide, switch on timer. after exposing the print paper, place it in the developer trat and proceed with processing.
1.Emulsion-A suspension of small globules of one liquid in a second liquid with which the first will not mix. 2.Aperture-is a hole or an opening through which light travels3. Masking easel-A big, square model with masking blades, interchangeable blade widths
4.Exposure-the act of presenting a photosensitive surface to rays of light.
5.Safe light-A darkroom light with a filter that transmits only those rays of the spectrum to which films, printing paper, etc., are not sensitive.
6. Dodging-Also, hold back. Photography . to shade from exposure for a period, while exposing the remainder of the print in order to lighten or eliminate the area7.Burning-the state, process, sensation, subjected to intense heat.
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