Monday, November 1, 2010

Processing Black and White photos

1) A metal or plastic film tank
Three dark plastic containers  to hold chemistry
A darkroom timer
A can opener
A room that is totally light proff
Glacial Acetic Acid
Hypo Eliminator

2)T-Max developer
Concentrated fixer with Hypo Eliminator
Indicator Mop bath
you an but them at

3) In the dark room, remove the film, pull the flat end off the canister with a can opener, unwind the film and the remove the end of the film.load the film onto a plastic reel,slide one end of the film into a slot onto the outer edge  of the reel and walk the film in until it is loaded.Place the loaded reel in the film tank ad covert as directed.Lay out the chemicals in  front of you: a film developer, a stop bath, a fixer hardener, and a hypo eliminator bath. pour the developer into the open part of the sealed film tank,cover it, remove any air bubbles, pour running water for one minute to stop development . fix the photo, let the film sit in cold water, remove all traces of the fixer, pour in a tankful of hypo eliminator for 2 minutes, a 5 minute wash, take the film out of the tank, in an hour or 2 the film is dry,use scissors to cut the the negatives in a glassine envelopes.\


Contact sheet-a contact print, usually of all frames of a developed roll of negative print film, used as a proof print

Agitation- the act or process of agitating

  Enlarger-an apparatus used for making projection prints, having a head for holding, illuminating, and projecting a film negative and a bed for holding a sheet of sensitized printing paper

 Developer-a reducing agent or solution for developing a film or the like.

Stop Bath-an acid bath or rinse for stopping the action of a developer before fixing a negative or print.

Fixer- a chemical substance, as sodium thiosulfate, used to promote fixation.


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